Christine Elisabeth Jones was born on June 26, 1949 and passed away onJune 28, 2013 at the age of 64. She was the first child born to RichardK. and Rebecca W. Jones. After graduating from Wooster High School in1967, she earned a bachelor s degree in education at Wheelock College inBoston, MA in 1971. She answered the call to improve the lives ofchildren and families by accepting her first teaching position in Cali,Columbia. She remained in Columbia for 15 years and served as aneducator, as well as a curriculum development specialist for manyschools in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Thereafter she returned to the US to continue her teaching career inDallas, Texas and environs. After her retirement she returned home toWooster where she continued to serve others in need. She was an avidsports fan, who enjoyed her family life, and summer travel to Canada. She was always ready to accept the challenge of a competitive Skip-Bogame. She was preceded in death by her parents and her brother ScottR. Jones. She is survived by her brother Kirk W. Jones, Nashville, TN,her uncle Bill (Gail) Jones, Dallas, TX, niece Stacey Jones, Columbus,OH, nephew Eric (Sara) Jones, Wilmington, NC, and cousins Kathie Schaum(Jim) of Mansfield, OH, Doug Anderson (Daniel Salvucci) of Hardwick, MA,Karen Schreier of Madison, WI, Ryall Jones, Sackes, TX, Michael Jones,Chicago, IL, Kevin Jones, Farmersbranch, TX, and Jeffrey Jones, Wylie,TX, and her very special friend Lois Noletti. The family would alsolike to thank the special people at Westview Manor who gave her supportand love throughout this last year. In lieu of flowers, the familysuggests donations to Hospice of Wayne County and/or the Humane Society.Memorial Service to be performed at the First Presbyterian Church, 621 College Ave. Wooster, OH on July 14, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
Memorial Contributions
Hospice and Palliative Care of Greater Wayne County 2525 Back Orrville Rd. Wooster Ohio 44691
or to Wayne County Humane Society 1161 Mechanicsburg Rd. Wooster, Ohio 44691
A memorial service will be held on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 621 College Avenue, Wooster