Service measured not by GOLD,
                           but by the GOLDEN RULE

Service measured not by GOLD,
          but by the GOLDEN RULE


WOOSTER – Geraldine R. Burden passed away early Tuesday morning, July 16, 2013 in herhome in Wooster, Ohio. Born Geraldine Rice in Ashland, Ohio on November 9, 1926 to GladysNadine Motts and Gerald Stowell Rice, Geri spent her childhood years in Elyria, Ohio andgraduated from Sullivan High School working part time during those years in herfather’s bank. Following a year at Ohio State University, she was graduatedfrom the College of Wooster in 1948 with a BA degree in economics. Geri marriedWilliam Jay Burden, also a Wooster College Graduate, in 1948. Together, they madeWooster their home for many years.
While in Wooster, Geri was extremely active in service organizations includingAAUW (serving as president), PEO, League of Women Voters, and Wooster SchoolsPT A. She participated in and led many activities and organizations within the FirstPresbyterian Church where she and her family were members. As her children reachedschool age, Geri went back to school herself and received a Masters in Library Sciencefrom Kent State University. She began her lifetime career as a librarian working in the circulation,periodical and reference sections for the College of Wooster Library.
In 1971, the family moved to Mendham, N.J. where Geri soon became director ofthe Bernardsville Public Library. Under her enthusiastic leadership and initiative, thelibrary, housed in a small pre-revolutionary tavern, flourished and grew into a hub oflocal activity for all ages. Upon her retirement, she assisted in the planning and buildingof a large new facility for that organization. In New Jersey, Geri continued to be active inPEO and joined the Bernardsville Kiwanis Club where she was president for severalyears. An active member at the Morristown Presbyterian Church on the Green, Geriserved as teacher, deacon elder and Stephens Minister. She developed a keen interest ingenealogy and was president of the World Chamberlain Genealogical Society, spentmany hours volunteering for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society andwas inducted into the Daughters of the American Revolution.
In 2005, after 57 years of marriage, Geri lost her partner and soul mate Bill, andin 2009, returned to her roots in Ohio where she immediately became active again in theFirst Presbyterian Church (serving as Deacon), PEO (a 50 year member), AAUW,Monday Club, Westview Manor Book Club, Women’s Service League and Colony Club.She was quite pleased to be a member of the Women’s Advisory Board at the College ofWooster. Geri thoroughly enjoyed attending her 65th college reunion, and was a proudWooster parent of two children and grandparent of three.
Preceded in death by brothers William, and George Rice she is survived by sisterSue Mears of Huntington W.VA; children Michele Johnson (Bruce), NadineMoehlenkamp(Chris) both of Columbus, Oh. and Jay William Burden (Kerry) of NewProvidence, N.J.; grandchildren Benjamin Johnson, Abigail Johnson Mullen, RyanBurden, Nicholas Johnson, Michael Moehlenkamp, Corinne Burden Hamberger,Elizabeth Moehlenkamp and Kyle Burden; great grandchildren August, Harris and Luke;and many loved nephews, nieces, cousins and wonderful friends.
A memorial service will be held on August 24th at 4:00 p.m.  at the First Presbyterian Churchof Wooster.621 College Ave. with the Rev. Bruce Balentine and Rev. David Rice officiating    A service will also be held in Morristown N.J. at a later date.    Memorial contributions may bemade to The Burden Family Scholarship at The College of Wooster,1189 Beall Ave., Wooster Ohio, 44691.
McIntire, Bradham & Sleek Funeral Home, 216 E. Larwill St., Wooster is assisting the family.
Online condolences may be sent to

Memorial Contributions
Memorial contributions may be made to The Burden Family Scholarship at The College of Wooster, 1189 Beall Ave., Wooster, OH 44691

A memorial service will be held on August 24th at 4:00 p.m.  at the First Presbyterian Church of Wooster, 621 College Ave., Wooster  with special music to start at 3:45 p.m.  
 A service will also be held in MJorristown, NJ at a later date.

A receeption and meal will follow the service.


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